• 亿万第六季图片
    • 亿万第六季

    • 主演:保罗·吉亚玛提,寇瑞·斯托尔,玛姬·丝弗,戴米恩·路易斯,蔡
    • 状态:完结
    • 导演:daoyan
    • 类型:欧美
    • 简介:Bobby Axelrod and Chuck Rhoades see their vicious ...


    2022年导演director携手“eeHM29Hrw”等主创团队发布了《亿万第六季》的首映会,与此同时在美国上映了亿万第六季的英语版高清视频! EgHDveGt7lNF表示:“亿万第六季是一部精彩绝伦的美剧电视剧,从一开邀请保罗·吉亚玛提,寇瑞·斯托尔,玛姬·丝弗,戴米恩·路易斯,蔡斯·凯利,小詹姆斯·希利,Drew Allen,Omar Ghonim,Mark Hilton,Randall Miles,Ken Parr等演员加盟我就隐约觉得这必将是一部佳作!”



    Bobby Axelrod and Chuck Rhoades see their vicious rivalry reignited, while new enemies rise and take aim. Social impact pioneer Mike Prince poses a true threat to Axe’s dominance, and Chuck feuds with a formidable district attorney. Taylor Mason is forced back to Axe Capital, where Taylor must fight to protect their employees and their assets. Wendy Rhoades reevaluates her loyalties and forges surprising new alliances that put her at odds with both Chuck and Axeccc

    爱美剧免费提供亿万第六季英语版下载,欧美用户还搜索了 保罗·吉亚玛提,寇瑞·斯托尔,玛姬·丝弗,戴米恩·路易斯,蔡斯·凯利,小詹姆斯·希利

