  • 蒙巴尔纳斯19号
    • 蒙巴尔纳斯19号

    • 主演:不知道
    • 状态:更新HD中字
    • 导演:雅克·贝克
    • 类型:剧情片
    • 简介:  The last year of life of the Ital...


    • 电影蒙巴尔纳斯19号是一部由雅克·贝克导演;yanyuan等演员主演的剧情片。上映于1958年,又名:蒙巴尔纳斯的情人,Montparnasse 19mengbaernasi19hao,本站播放量:7。

        The last year of life of the Italian-French painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) who died with 36 years, was played by Gérard Philipe, who was lethally sick during the shooting of this movie and died shortly after its release, 1959, with 36 years - on one of the two diseases that Modigliano had himself and exactly in his age. Further, this movie was directed by Jacques Becker - after the sudden death of Max Ophüls. Becker, too, died only 2 years after this movieeee


